25 Apr
New study suggests that just 1 drink a day elevates gum disease and oral cancer risk

A new study has suggested that drinking just one alcoholic drink per day could elevate your risk of developing gum disease, oral cancer and heart disease. Research conducted by experts at New York University, revealed that people who had at least one drink a day had more harmful oral bacteria…

11 Aug
How Bad is Drinking Alcohol For Your Teeth?

It’s summer, and many of us are busy enjoying garden gatherings and afternoons in the beer garden. There’s nothing wrong with having a drink now and again, but it is important to be aware of the impact of drinking on your teeth and the dangers associated with drinking to excess….

04 Apr
Regular Check-Ups Can Increase Your Chance of Finding Mouth Cancer

One of the most important and effective methods of diagnosing oral cancer cases at an early stage is dental checks. Regular dental check-ups allow your dentist to keep tabs on your oral health, as well as giving them the opportunity to look out for changes in the soft tissue in…