05 Jul
London dentists advise on best ways to control gum disease!

No one really likes visiting their London dentist but it’s really necessary that you do get a check up done atleast once in six months. The main reason for this is that gum disease is a really insidious condition which has no major symptoms until the disease has advanced to…

21 Jun
Learn the best way to avoid London bad breath

What do you do to make sure you have sweet breath? Do you brush regularly and floss as well as use a mouthwash? Does all this really work for you?No! Well here are a few tried and tested traditional methods to get your breath squeaky clean with natural ingredients sourced…

11 May
Holistic dentistry scams in London

I’m always ready to admit that I’m the eternal skeptic but this really blows my mind here! Can holistic dentistry really be good for the patient or is it just another scam dreamed up by savvy practioners to milk you out of your hard earned money? I don’t really know…

16 Mar
A Page From The Diary Of A London Dentist

Kaitlin came complaining to me, “Hello Doctor! I am surprised to see cavities in teeth of my 3 year old kid.”I know that children’s dental health is one area that most families and parents today need to focus on. These days I am treating more and more younger patients having…

01 Mar
A brushing option preferred by people in London

The deposits of foods may easily get stuck in between your teeth while you have food. This deposit is difficult to remove with the help of a normal toothbrush available in any store across London. But, the unwanted plaque and debris are likely to cause severe dental decay and gum…