Tag: Dental extractions
New figures show alarming rise in dental extractions carried out on under 4’s
New figures released by the Royal College of Surgeons have revealed an alarming increase in the number of dental extractions carried out on children aged 4 and under. Statistics published by the Faculty of Dental Surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons suggest an increase of 24 percent in the…
READ ARTICLECentral London asks: Is It Wise to Leave Impacted Teeth in Place?
Impacted teeth most commonly refer to the wisdom teeth, also known as the third molars. The wisdom teeth are the final adult teeth to develop and they are located in the corners of the mouth; there are 4 in total and most people get their wisdom teeth between the ages…
READ ARTICLELondon Doctors Offers Painless Resolution For Toothaches
Janet Boxer, a 14-year-old was quite upset with the way she was tricked into anesthesia during her childhood for dental extractions. “The experience indeed deteriorated my dental future,” says Janet. There are other miseries that I could share with all my buddies, like the demise of my grandma, that I…