Tag: flouride
What is Fluoride and Why Is It So Important? Dentist in London Answers Questions
Fluoride is a natural wonder that has proven to be a critical component to maintaining good oral health. Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that strengthens the enamel of our teeth, protecting our teeth from dangerous bacteria that threatens to eat away at the hard surfaces of our teeth causing…
READ ARTICLEWhat are the facts about using fluoride? Ask dentists in City of London for the answers
There are few health issues that are without controversy of one kind or another as studies and counter studies dispute the findings of each other. It can thus be difficult to decide what lifestyle choices to make in order to ensure that you are living with excellent health at all…
READ ARTICLEWhat are the facts about fluoride? Central London dentists give expert advice
Fluoride is a chemical that is extensively used in dentistry because of its capacity to strengthen your teeth. Like lots of things, however, it is not without controversy and many people are anxious to know the facts about fluoride. You will be likely to come across fluoride in two particular…
READ ARTICLELearn the truth about fluoride at London dentist
You can be forgiven for being confused about the nature of fluoride as there is a lot of misinformation going around, especially on the internet that causes the problem of confusion. It can also make it very hard to know which advice to follow. For example, some toothpastes contain fluoride…
READ ARTICLECentral London dentist clarifies benefits of fluoride
There is a lot of information around that gives conflicting opinions about what is best for your teeth. This can be very confusing and leave you not sure which advice is the most appropriate or useful for you. One example of such a confusing issue is whether or not fluoride…