Tag: Invisalign city of London
The Invisible Route to Straighter Teeth
Remember years ago when it was embarrassing to be seen with unsightly braces on your teeth? Numerous patients still wear metal braces. Not only does the wearer feel insecure about wearing a brace, but the stress of brushing and getting around the metal braces is a difficult task to say…
READ ARTICLEGet Straighter Teeth in Style with Invisalign
Invisalign is one of our most popular treatments. It is an invisible orthodontic treatment that gives you beautifully straight teeth without having to worry about what anyone else thinks of your braces. If you’ve been looking for a treatment that promises amazing results and ultimate discretion, this is the system for you! What is…
READ ARTICLEIs Invisalign The Best Option For London Based Patients?
Rewind twenty years and if you’re looking for ways to straighten a crooked tooth or address tooth crowding, you’ll be presented with a choice of fixed metal braces or fixed metal braces. Today, things have changed considerably and when you sit down with a dentist to discuss orthodontic treatment options,…