Tag: Pulp
Get effective root canal treatment from Central London dentists
Your teeth are actually hollow bodies and inside them is the pulp chamber. The pulp chamber is a vital part of your teeth as it houses a number of important nerves, arteries, veins and other tissue. If you have damaged your tooth to the point where the pulp chamber is…
READ ARTICLERoot canal treatment from London dentist relieves pain of toothache
Of all the most feared dental procedures none is so iconic as the root canal. The obvious reason behind this is the presence of the dentist’s drill. But is the root canal treatment really that bad? Well, put simply, not really. In fact root canal treatments are often some of…
READ ARTICLERoot Canal Treatment in London
Root canal treatment (or therapy) in London is performed when dental caries (tooth decay) extends in very close proximity and/or into to pulp of the tooth. The pulp of the tooth is composed of nerves, a blood supply, connective tissue, etc., and when the bacteria or their end-products come into…
READ ARTICLEThe basics of a root canal in London
Does getting a root canal sound really painful to you? Do you think you really need it? Why do you need it? Let’s take a look at a few commonly asked questions on root canals. What is a root canal and do I really need one? Each tooth contains a…
READ ARTICLEPulp Cap Treatment- Visit London Dentists
I can recall the feelings of my patients at the utterance of the root canal. They would be just horrified and I guess if they were given a choice of run or stay, they would be running away without any exception. However, if the dentists are more competent, half of…