Tag: snoring
Treat dangerous sleep apnea at London dentist
Everybody knows somebody who snores and have been kept up at night by the noise. While snoring is an inconvenience (sometimes a rather serious one depending on who is doing the snoring) it is rarely more than this and even more rarely does it pose any kind of health problem….
READ ARTICLESleep apnea combated by oral appliance from City of London dentist
Sleep apnea is often confused with, or passed off as, simply snoring. This is not the case. Snoring is the noise associated with breathing during sleep, whereas sleep apnea is actually the sound of someone choking after having stopped breathing. Incredibly 90 per cent of sufferers from sleep apnea have…
READ ARTICLESleep apnea cured by appliance from London dentist
Sleep apnea is a fairly serious sleeping disorder that is caused when a person’s breathing is interrupted during sleep. People who suffer from sleep apnea actually stop breathing repeatedly during sleep, as many as hundreds of times a night. Sleep apnea is often confused with snoring which is not the…