Tag: Wisdom teeth
How To Take Care of Sore Wisdom Teeth
Have you ever noticed that everyone seems to make noises or wince whenever the words wisdom and teeth are mentioned in the same sentence? The wisdom teeth have something of a reputation, mainly because they can be incredibly painful. If you’ve got sore wisdom teeth, this article should come in…
READ ARTICLEHow The City Of London Gets Through The Pain Of Wisdom Teeth
Just when you thought you had come through the worst of your problems with your teeth in the city of London, from baby to teenager, along comes your wisdom teeth. However, get through this and you can take heart from the fact that there are no more of the blighters…
READ ARTICLEGetting rid of your Wisdom Teeth in London
Just when you have come through everything that your youth has thrown at you when it comes to your teeth- braces, secondary teeth, fillings and the like, your wisdom teeth decide that they are going to put in an appearance and for most people, it’s going to be just another…
READ ARTICLECentral London Dentist Talks About Wisdom Teeth
Wisdom teeth occur naturally in all people. As the last teeth to appear (normally between the ages of 18-25) at the very back of the mouth, they often have trouble fitting within the space, these are referred to as ‘impacted wisdom teeth’. For this reason, many people have their wisdom…
READ ARTICLELondon dentists help patients with their painful wisdom teeth
Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to develop in adults. They tend to come through when patients are in their late teenage years or in their early twenties but sometimes it occur earlier or later as everybody is different. They are large teeth, the purpose of which is to grind…
READ ARTICLELondon dentist guides patient through tooth extraction process
A tooth extraction is the process of removing one or more teeth for one of several reasons. Depending on the reason, the tooth may or may not be replaced by the dentist carrying out the procedure. Some of the most common reason for requiring an extraction include for straightening purposes…