26 Jun
What Exactly is Gum Contouring?

We employ a procedure known as cosmetic gum contouring to treat a gummy smile. Using the latest laser technology, we are able to contour and shape the gums to create a more attractive smile and increase confidence. Banishing those gummy smiles The term ‘gummy smile’ refers to the look of the…

20 Jan
Be Amazed by Our Crown Lengthening Treatment in London

Crown lengthening is a cosmetic dental procedure used to restore the crown of the tooth. It involves removing a small amount of gum tissue to expose more of the crown. This enables our expert dentists to make repairs to the tooth by fitting a new crown restoration. Who can benefit…

25 Nov
Cute and Cosmetic: Bonding in London

Appearances can mean everything to you in London and can be the difference between success and failure; clothes and hair can make the difference, but then so too can your teeth and the way you smile. Now, as the years go by, the stresses of life can start to attack…

25 Sep
Look at you with your Cosmetic Dentistry in the City of London!

Ah….the city of London eh- vibrant, glamorous and very high-brow. But it is also very demanding and expects a lot from you and if you want to keep up appearances and maintain your stature, you will have to work at it hard, especially as you get older. Your smile is…

24 Sep
Beautiful Bonding moments in Central London

If you are rushing around like a mad thing each day in central London, time for dentistry is short, but if your smile is important and a part of your everyday life, you need to find time to get fixed up if things start to go wrong in your mouth….

29 Jul
Put A Smile On Your London Face Again With Cosmetic Dentistry

Ever feel that time is getting the better of your looks and all you have is the memory of what once you were? Well we live in a world where we can very easily do something about it and if you pop along to see your dentist, you will discover…