08 Feb
See Your City of London Dentist about a Dry Mouth

Dry mouth is a condition which affects the flow of saliva in your mouth and makes your mouth feel dry, sticky and raw. If you frequently feel thirsty, have problems swallowing and chewing, or develop sores in and around your mouth, you might be suffering from dry mouth and should…

06 Feb
City of London Dentist Explains Dental Calculus

Dental calculus is another word for what most people might refer to as tartar. It’s a form of hardened dental plaque which results from the build-up of minerals from plaque and saliva on your teeth. To prevent plaque developing into tartar, it’s best to brush your teeth twice daily and…

19 Jan
How an Awful Mouth can lead to an Awful Body in London

Keeping a Good Mouth and Body in London The body is a well oiled machine and when everything is working in delicious harmony you are going to have a healthy life-style in London. However, deflate one of the equations in this machine of yours, for whatever the reason and the…

17 Jan
The Effectiveness of Mouthwashes in the City of London

Mouth-washing in the City of London The dentist industry is forever coming up with new fangled ways to get you to put your hands in your pockets and buy the latest dental products on the market, and if you take a look around you the next time you go out…

16 Jan
Going beyond Brushing in London

Taking a step further than Brushing in London There are some magnificent toothbrushes and paste on sale on the London market today; with brushes, you can buy bent one, angled ones, flexible ones, ones that you can scrape your tongue with too, but especially, ones the make noises and do…

11 Jan
Routine Oral Hygiene in Central London

How hard can Oral Hygiene be in Central London? Oral hygiene is the engine behind a whole process of stopping your mouth into disrepair and putting your body health, teeth and gums in danger. But for all our better efforts, there are a lot of us living in central London…