05 May
Overcoming Tooth Pain in the City of London

There is nothing worse or more annoying in the city of London than tooth pain it can strike at leisure and has no care for where you may be, or who you may be with at the time. The point is however, it is an indication that you may well…

23 Apr
Sealing up Tooth Cracks can make a Big Difference in the City of London

Tooth sealants are sometimes referred to as dental sealants, and are applied to tooth surfaces, particularly back teeth, to prevent tooth decay that erodes outer tooth enamel and dentin. By sealing the outer tooth surface with thin plastic coatings, food debris is less likely to become trapped in tooth grooves…

05 Apr
Amalgam Fillings Still have a Part to Play for Dentists in London

Renowned for their strength and durability, amalgam fillings are increasingly being replaced by mercury-free and more aesthetically-pleasing dental filling options, such as white composite fillings. London dentists use the latest dental materials and technology to give patients such choices in treatments. Amalgam is a metal alloy blended with mercury and…

24 Mar
How to Choose Your Toothpaste, a Dentist from London Tells You How

In this day and age, there are so many toothpastes available, each boasting a unique and desirable method of improving your oral health, how are we to know which toothpaste to choose? Dentists in London all agree that as long as your toothpaste contains fluoride, the brand and type of…

27 Feb
Are You Looking for Root Canal Treatment in the City of London?

The root canal of your tooth is the part of the tooth which extends into the bone of the jaw, rooting the tooth into place. It isn’t visible from inside the mouth, and includes the dental pulp in the center of your tooth. One tooth may have more than one…

27 Oct
The Treatment of Tooth Decay in Central London

Tooth decay- that old enemy we are trying to avoid over and over again in central London; yes the products are on the market and if we work hard at learning to look after our teeth, we will all benefit in the end. However, life just refuses to be that…