22 Mar
London dentist breaks link between sleep apnea and heart failure

Sleep apnea is a condition that causes patients’ breathing to be interrupted many times during the night on several nights of the week. It has also been found to thicken blood vessels and increase the risk of many forms of cardiovascular disease. It can be particularly dangerous in patients who…

13 Mar
City of London dentist prevents gum disease by keeping your teeth healthy

It sounds fairly obvious to say it, but having healthy gums usually means having healthy teeth. Maintaining a good standard of oral hygiene at all times is the key to avoiding nasty and painful oral conditions such as dental decay and gum disease. Most patients who have healthy gums also…

03 Feb
Prevent dental abscesses with appointment at City of London dentist

Dental decay can be very damaging to the health of your teeth. It can be the cause of tremendous pain due to the exposure of the dental nerve to extremes of hot and cold and other stimuli. Once decay has penetrated the protective enamel layer this also exposes the softer…

02 Feb
City of London dentists prevent spread of dangerous tooth abscesses

Tooth abscesses are one of the most painful and least pleasant of all the dental conditions. Abscesses are caused when tooth decay has caused a breach in the protective enamel which has allowed bacteria to penetrate to the centre of the tooth and infect the nerve area. The human body…

07 Jan
Prevent heart disease with oral hygiene advice from Central London dentist

Your oral hygiene may be more than just an indicator of your dental health, as links have been proven between periodontal disease and a heightened risk or cardiovascular disease. These links have always been suspected but a new study seems to conclusively prove the relationship. The study showed that adults…

20 Sep
Central London Dentist breaks the link between bleeding gums and heart disease

Bleeding gums caused by poor dental hygiene can end up causing heart disease according to health professionals. People who don’t brush their teeth correctly, or who don’t floss regularly enough, often suffer from bleeding gums. It is thought that this might provide an entry to the bloodstream for the hundreds…