14 Feb
Fall in Love With Our Selection of Orthodontic Treatments This Month

We offer a number of different orthodontic treatments to suit your needs, including your desired time scale and how happy you are for your treatment to be visible to others. Below we have outlined a range of the treatments that are on offer here at Baker Street Dental: Invisalign: Invisalign…

24 Oct
Invisalign over Braces- Central London decides

There are a myriad of ways you can knock your ungainly and crooked teeth into shape these days in central London; orthodontics has got better and better over the years and has become vastly improved with time. Just take a look at Invisalign; this remarkable device can have your teeth…

28 Aug
How the art of Invisalign treats the City of London

It is hard to think of something that will straighten your teeth in the city of London as being a work of art, but that is just what Invisalign is. It won’t work for everyone, so you will have to be vetted and tested to see if the Invisalign programme…

12 Aug
Invisible Teeth Alignment hits London

Embarking on a voyage of teeth straightening in London can be a traumatic one; braces are a handful, hard to clean and sorry to say it, often ugly to look at. But before you jump overboard at the thought, have a little shop around and most definitely have a look…

13 Oct
The illusion of Invisalign in London

Everyone loves a good illusionist and the dental world of London has found an award-winner in Invisalign. Okay, we all know that we may well have to wear a brace or an aligner at some point but do the really have to be so food-catching ugly? No, they don’t and…

27 Apr
Have You Heard about Invisalign Braces in London?

Invisalign is an orthodontic solution for people of all ages. London-based dentists provide Invisalign as an option for Londoners and visitors seeking discreet, comfortable and effective teeth-straightening treatment. People with skewed, crooked and misaligned teeth often lack confidence when smiling. Misaligned teeth or “malocclusion” also affects oral function, such as…