Tag: scale and polish
Getting a great Scale and Polish in your mouth in London
You may think that you have cracked the art of home oral hygiene with all your fancy products, but London has a habit of tempting you in strange ways and luring you away from looking after yourself, and it doesn’t take long for something like plaque to start working its…
READ ARTICLEHaving a Scale and Polish in Central London
Not everyone’s teeth grow to order in central London and this can make cleaning them very difficult for you to clean daily. Crooked and different shaped teeth can have many nooks and crannies for plaque to hide in and against all your valiant efforts, problems can arise like tooth caries…
READ ARTICLEPopping out for a Scale and Polish in Central London
When you pop out for a check-up at your dentists in central London, one of the main priorities is to ensure that your teeth are free from plaque and gum disease. Generally, if you’ve been looking after yourself, you shouldn’t have any problems, but life is never that simple and…
READ ARTICLEDo we need a Scale and Polish in Central London?
The morals behind Scaling and Polishing in Central London One of the reasons we have to visit the dentist in central London on a regular basis is to ensure that what we have done at home has been working and that our teeth and gums are healthy. There are some…
READ ARTICLEGetting your Teeth Scaled and Polished in London
One of the more common procedures that a London dentist will carry out when you pay a visit is a scale and polish. This is designed to remove any plaque and tartar that may have developed since your last appointment and to remove any stains that have built up. This…