14 Sep
You, Sleep Apnea and your Heart in the City of London

Your body system is very delicate in the city of London; it relies on you feeding it properly, and looking after your oral health as well, for only then will it serve you well when you go to sleep at night. When you get into your bed at night, your…

21 Aug
The enemy after dark- London’s Sleep Apnea

There are a lot of things going on in our London bodies that are taken for granted; the way we think, the way we breathe and the way our hearts keep ticking along, and we assume nothing about how all of this works- we just expect it to happen. But…

24 Oct
Death by Sleep Apnea in London

One of the important ingredients to living a long life in London is to ensure that you have a healthy sleep pattern in order to rebuild your energy for the next day ahead and if you have a good diet, keep your nose clean and live stress free, then you…