13 Mar
The benefits of Space Maintainers for your Childrens' teeth in the City of London

Your children will go through many transformations with their teeth as they grow up in the city of London and ensuring that they grow properly will take a lot of vigilance and hard work from both you and your dentist. This is specifically important when the baby teeth disappear and…

03 Nov
Space Maintainers for the City of London Children

Children’s teeth are very complex: you never quite know what is going to happen until it does. But one of the most delicate times for your kids in the city of London is when they go through the transformation from baby teeth to secondary teeth. This transition can impact on…

06 Jun
City of London Dentists can Provide Space Maintainers for Children

Not so long ago, people felt that there was no need for a child to see a dentist until their adult teeth erupted. At that point, if the teeth were crooked, or cavities needed filing, a child might be taken to a dentist. Today, many parents are finding out that…