Tag: tartar
How to look after your Gums in the City of London
Like the rest of your body in the city of London, the mouth is a complicated institution that relies on you being able to ensure that you doing your best to look after every tiny corner of it. The gums are one of those special little elements that add to…
READ ARTICLERegular visits to the Dentist in the city of London
Regular visits to your dentist in the city of London should be seen as an integral part of life’s oral hygiene program and not, as some of us may view them, as an inconvenient day in the diary. Many of us are good at looking after ourselves at home, and…
READ ARTICLEGetting your teeth up to scratch with your Dentist in Central London
Modern oral hygiene products are incredibly affective these days and getting better to the point where one day, we may never need to visit a central London dentist again…one day. In the meantime, our dentists are a fantastic back up to our misgivings if something goes wrong, which is why…
READ ARTICLEWhen to go and see your City of London dentist to get your mouth checked and cleaned
Even with the best of care at home, it is still very much worth your while to go and see your City of London dentist on a regular basis. Only so much can be achieved by the rigorous routine of brushing and flossing that you should be pursuing. Going to…
READ ARTICLEGetting your Teeth Scaled and Polished in London
One of the more common procedures that a London dentist will carry out when you pay a visit is a scale and polish. This is designed to remove any plaque and tartar that may have developed since your last appointment and to remove any stains that have built up. This…
READ ARTICLEWhy Floss in the City of London
It’s considered by most dentists in the city of London that flossing is an integral must in oral hygiene. Foods can get lodged in tight areas between the gums and teeth, and if not removed, can lead to plaque and tartar building up- this process can start within an hour…