26 Jan
Helping The Baby Through Teething In the City Of London

Your baby is a delicate little creature that cannot express itself. But you will know when it is going through problems because crying is the only expression it has to get a message to you. One of the issues that will seriously upset your baby though will be when it…

25 Sep
The problems of Teething in the City of London

In the city of London, there are no set rules when it comes to your babies teeth, some babies can be born with teeth showing, others can take up to almost a year before they begin to come through. With that in mind, all you can do is be prepared…

18 Oct
Understand teething with help from City of London dentist

Teething is a normal part of a baby’s development and should be no more stressful than growing hair but for some babies it can be a cause of pain and distress which in turn can affect the mother and father. Some babies are born and already have teeth, but usually…