19 Sep
Facing up to Dental Anxieties in Central London

For some people, going to the dentist is an ordeal. Just walking by one in central London can cause you to break out in the sweats and make you feel physically sick. It could mean then that you are suffering from a little bit of dental anxiety although if you…

14 Sep
Devious Dental Phobias in the City of London

‘PHOBIA: an irrational fear that causes one to avoid the feared activity or situation’ or something like that. However you paint it up though, dental phobias can be a real issue for both patients and dentists alike in the city of London. For the patient, it can be terribly stifling:…

18 Aug
Knocking yourself out at a dentists in London

For all its brash boasts of advances in technology and treatments, some people in London people still ‘hate’ going to the dentists and seems that it is going to take a while, if ever, before we arrive at the point where, in some of our minds, going to the dentists…

19 Jul
London Dentist Explains Sedation for Patients.

Do you suffer from anxiety and nervousness when visiting the dentist? Or are you undergoing major dental work? If you are experiencing either of these sedation may be able to help you get through the process. There is a great range in the level of sedation that is possible in…

21 Mar
Cure Your Dental Anxiety, a Dentist from Central London Tells You How

1 in 4 people in the Central London suffer from some form of dental anxiety. The condition is results in individuals who refuse to arrange or attend dental appointments and who, as a result, suffer from, otherwise avoidable, dental conditions Thankfully, dentists are becoming more aware of the reasons behind…

17 Mar
Dental Phobia, Tips and Techniques from a Dentist in the City of London

Dental phobia is incredibly common, 1 in 4 people in the City of London suffer from some form of the phobia. The condition is characterised by a refusal to make or meet dental appointments, an uncontrollable anxiety at the thought of attending the dentist and anxiety upon exposure to the…