15 Apr
Get rid of plaque to put a stop to periodontal disease, say City of London dentists

When most people think about plaque they conceive of it as a threat to their teeth. This is of course true, plaque breaks down the enamel which the usually robust layer of protection on your teeth. Painful cavities can then ensue which need to be filled by a dentist. But…

12 Apr
Central London dentists help patients to determine the causes of dental cavities

You only get one set of healthy, natural teeth. The options for replacing them are varied and hugely effective but you will probably want to do your best to keep your original, natural set in good working order. One of the biggest dangers threatening the health of your teeth is…

09 Feb
Getting your Teeth Scaled and Polished in London

One of the more common procedures that a London dentist will carry out when you pay a visit is a scale and polish. This is designed to remove any plaque and tartar that may have developed since your last appointment and to remove any stains that have built up. This…

01 Feb
Why Floss in the City of London

It’s considered by most dentists in the city of London that flossing is an integral must in oral hygiene. Foods can get lodged in tight areas between the gums and teeth, and if not removed, can lead to plaque and tartar building up- this process can start within an hour…

23 Jan
Oral Hygiene in London

Oral hygiene should fit into your regime in London as importantly as anything else in your life, for it can have very serious implications to your overall health, let alone your bank balance in the long run. If you have any doubts about how you should care for your teeth,…

17 Jan
Having a Dental Check-up in the City of London

It seems incredible that a large percentage of us in the city of London do not consider a visit to the dentist a priority, but see it rather as a chore. But this could be a very fatal attitude, as what goes into the mouth and what happens in the…