07 Oct
Porcelain veneers from City of London dentist repairs uneven teeth

When a patient has a chipped or cracked tooth that it is unable to fix with dental bonding, it may be necessary to apply a dental veneer to save the tooth. Dental veneers are also used to seal teeth after fillings or root canal treatments. The veneers are made of…

06 Oct
London dentist calms patient with dental phobia

Fear of the dentist is one of our most common fears. A recent study in the UK found that over 90 per cent of people admit to a fear of paying a visit to the dentist’s chair. For the most part, that fear is a mild and conquerable. This is…

06 Oct
Brand new smile with cosmetic dentistry from London dentist

Everybody wants to have the perfect smile. A beautiful beam, full of white, evenly sized teeth can be a very attractive and useful asset. After all, smiling is one of the most important methods we have of demonstrating our emotions and communicating with others. For those of us who have…

03 Oct
Oral cancer detected by City of London dentist during routine dental check up

It is an often-used adage that prevention is better than cure. Nowhere is this more true than when it comes to looking after your teeth. As anyone who has suffered from any kind of dental problem, ranging from toothache to gum disease, will tell you, it really does pay to…

02 Oct
London dentist uses CEREC technology to create lifelike veneers

The advances in dental technology that have been made in the last twenty years are astounding. Dentists’ surgeries are unrecognisable from the intimidating clinic atmospheres of the past and today more resemble health spas. Accompanying these aesthetic changes are the technological leaps, none more so than CEREC. An abbreviation of…

01 Oct
Braces from City of London dentist have patients smiling again

Everyone dreams of having straight teeth. For some people this happens naturally, for others smiled upon less favourably by Mother Nature, it requires a bit of artificial assistance. When most children start to enter their teenage years it is fairly evident to the dentist if their teeth are developing crooked…