18 Dec
Prevent gum disease with check up at Central London dentist

Gum disease is the inflammation and infection of the gum tissue that anchors teeth to the jaw. It is a very common condition affecting nearly half of all adults but it can be treated easily if caught early by a dentist or dental hygienist. The two main types of gum…

17 Dec
London dentist transforms damaged teeth with porcelain crowns

It used to be the case that dental crowns had to have a base made of metal to act as a solid foundation, but with today’s improved technology crowns can be made of pure porcelain. This makes modern dental crowns appear very realistic and ideal for transforming the appearance of…

16 Dec
Root canal treatment from City of London dentist prevents infection

A root canal treatment, also known as endodontics, is a procedure specifically designed to deal with infected matter or decay located in the centre of the tooth. To fully understand the procedure you must first know that the teeth are made of several layers of different material. On the outside…

15 Dec
Relief from sleep apnea at London dentist

The word ‘apnea’ comes from the Greek for ‘without breath’, so in its most basic form sleep apnea means ‘sleep without breath’. It occurs in three forms called obstructive, central and mixed. Obstructive is by far the most common form of the condition but in all cases the condition means…

14 Dec
City of London dentist helps patients maintain good oral hygiene

Good oral hygiene can be determined by a few obvious signs. A healthy mouth is a mouth that looks good and smells clean. More specifically, this means a mouth where the teeth are clean and free of debris, where gums are pink and healthy and are not irritable or caused…

13 Dec
Overcome dental phobia with relaxation tips from City of London dentist

A dental phobia is a severe fear of the dentist that is characterised by extreme emotional responses at even the prospect of going to the dentist. Technically a phobia is defined as an “irrational severe fear that leads you to avoid the subject completely”. Exposure to the specific stimulus, in…