06 Dec
Dental anxiety overcome thanks to Central London dentists

Many people in Britain feel incredibly nervous about the visits to the dentist which they know are so vital. Making an appointment and then attending can be incredibly daunting if you suffer from dental anxiety but it is crucial that you get your mouth regularly checked by a professional. If…

06 Dec
City of London dentists create perfect smiles with cosmetic dentistry

Misaligned or missing teeth are easily remedied and yet many of us live with these problems. Aside from the fact that such conditions can cause further complications with your oral hygiene, they can also lead to feelings of embarrassment at social occasions. After all, your smile is always one of…

04 Dec
Cosmetic bonding from London dentists gives incredible results fitting fillings

Many people are ashamed or embarrassed about their appearance because of unsightly metal fillings. Many too have difficulty eating, drinking and talking because of painful cavities. Thanks to advances in technology a perfect smile is available in just one session with your dentist. Cosmetic bonding techniques allow your cavities to…

03 Dec
Central London dentists effectively fit false teeth with new CEREC technology

In the past, having a false tooth or teeth fitted could be a lengthy process as you had to wait several weeks for new crowns, veneers, onlays and underlays to be made. With a new procedure available in Central London you could have your false tooth or teeth fitted in…

02 Dec
Solve your teeth problems with braces from City of London dentists

Crooked or misaligned teeth are not only embarrassing but can cause problems with oral hygiene too. There is no need to suffer from having a smile that is not the way you want it. Your City of London dentist can remedy teeth which are misplaced or do not align correctly…

02 Dec
London dentists offer effective remedies for bleeding gums

The greatest cause of tooth loss in Britain is not, in fact, tooth decay itself. Gum disease leaves your teeth at far greater risk and, with around seventy five per cent of Britons older than thirty five suffering from gum disease of some kind, it is something which needs to…