14 May
Dynamic Digital X-rays in Central London

If things go wrong in your mouth, you don’t want to be hanging around for weeks before you get a diagnosis, because in that time, the condition could get far worse. Technology has put this possible crisis to bed though, thanks largely to the development of the digital x-ray. X-rays…

13 May
Embracing Dentures in the City of London

Dentures, it would be safe to say, have never had good press historically in the fine city of London: not very good looking and a right old mare to keep them in your mouth. Dentures though are important at retaining the occlusion of your mouth, or the way your jaws…

11 May
Priceless, pretty and perfect Porcelain Veneers in London

Looking good in London can be incredibly important in helping you to get on or retaining the status that you may already have. Age can well start to affect your looks and over time, leave your teeth in a bit of disarray. But cosmetic dentistry has been brilliant at helping…

10 May
Flipping over your Dental Phobias in the City of London

It isn’t easy to confront your demons and fears in life, but it becomes even harder if your problems start to affect your overall health and stop you being treated. It is amazing just how many people living in the city of London still suffer from dental phobia, even though…

09 May
The legacy of the Dental Implant in London

When something as disastrous as tooth loss occurs in your mouth, you can take comfort that the world of dentistry has the answers to get you patched up and on your way again. One of the methods that have become very popular these days is to have a dental implant…

08 May
Optimising your Oral hygiene in the City of London

If you want to maintain how pretty you look in the city of London, then looking after your teeth is an essential ingredient, so you should strive to maintain a high level of oral hygiene whenever you can. If you still have any problems on how to do this, and…