25 May
Tiptoeing Over Sensitive Teeth in the City of London

Sensitive teeth can be a serious problem on a daily basis in the city of London, stopping you from doing things, eating and drinking things and just down right irritating. The causes are many: over exuberant brushing can wear down the enamel and destroy the gums around the base of…

16 May
Avoiding the Pitfalls of Tooth Decay in London

One of the things we try to do for our teeth from the day we are born to the day we die in London is to avoid decay and it is a never ending battle, day in, day out. Tooth decay starts with plaque, as does every problem in the…

05 May
Overcoming Tooth Pain in the City of London

There is nothing worse or more annoying in the city of London than tooth pain it can strike at leisure and has no care for where you may be, or who you may be with at the time. The point is however, it is an indication that you may well…

28 Apr
Emergency Dentists in the City of London are Here to Help when it Matters

Traumatic situations where dental damage occurs due to an accident or injury, where one or more teeth are lost or sudden tooth pain or gum bleeding strikes, can all pose the threat of further oral damage or infection, which may be harmful to health. Emergency dentists in the City of…

07 Apr
Is Teeth Grinding Causing You Dental Problems in the City of London?

Teeth grinding is also referred to as teeth clenching or bruxism, and is treatable in the City of London through orthodontic care. Some people grind their teeth more than others, either as habit during sleep or due to anxious feelings. Teeth grinding erodes tooth enamel, leads to improper bite or…

06 Apr
The Causes and Treatment of Tooth Pain in the City of London

Experiencing tooth pain or toothache in the City of London is unpleasant but treatable, to help prevent further discomfort and pain. Emergency dentists are available in the City of London to provide dental care at short-notice. If you are living in the City of London or visiting, you do not…