26 Jan
Products to avoid when fighting Bad Breath in London

How Products complicate Bad Breath in London You’d have thought that with all these new fangled products on sale in London, bad breath needn’t be an issue, but you’d be wrong. Bad breath is a complex condition and using a powerful smelling toothpaste or mouthwash isn’t the answer, in fact…

18 Jan
Busting Bad Breath in Central London

Breaking the back of Bad Breath in Central London Having bad breath at the worst of times is terrible, but in the affluent ‘must get ahead’ world of central London, it is definitely a no-no, as it not only sets your working life back but it can affect your social…

03 Jan
Unravelling Bad Breath in the City of London

The little ways to get rid of Bad Breath in the City of London Bad breath at the worst of times is a no-no, but if you are plying your trade around the more affluent areas of the city of London, it can reduce your chances of getting ahead- so…

05 Dec
Embarrassed by Your Bad Breath? Dentist in Central London Has Some Suggestions

If you are suffering from embarrassing bad breath on a regular basis, you may have a medical condition known as halitosis. Halitosis is characterised by consistently bad breath. It usually indicates another existing medical problem. More often than not, halitosis is the symptom of tooth decay or gum disease. If…

29 Nov
Central London Dentist Advises on How to Handle Problems with Bad Breath

If you are struggling with bad breath, some changes in your oral hygiene habits and your overall lifestyle may be in order. The best way to stop bad breath is taking great care of your teeth with regular cleaning and visits to your dentist. You should be brushing and flossing…

18 Nov
Central London Dentist Addresses Patient Concerns About Embarrassing Bad Breath

There is no better way to fight bad breath than excellent oral hygiene. You must uphold brushing, flossing, mouthwash, and regular visits to your dentist. Are you cleaning your teeth at least twice a day? Are you getting at least one clean up a year with your dentist? Speak to…