21 Jun
London dentists care for infants

Oral hygiene is a very important step for a healthy life. Children follow their parent’s examples and if you have good oral hygiene; it naturally follows that your child will pick up the same habits. Dental care should start as early as possible to prevent development of cavities. Most of…

11 May
Holistic dentistry scams in London

I’m always ready to admit that I’m the eternal skeptic but this really blows my mind here! Can holistic dentistry really be good for the patient or is it just another scam dreamed up by savvy practioners to milk you out of your hard earned money? I don’t really know…

22 Apr
Parents In London, Protect Your Child From Cavities

When your child transitions from a baby bottle to a sippy cup, this is a big development. The dentists in London make a very strong note to all parents to not give juices to their kids in sippy cups.The reason behind this fact is that as long as those juices…

16 Mar
A Page From The Diary Of A London Dentist

Kaitlin came complaining to me, “Hello Doctor! I am surprised to see cavities in teeth of my 3 year old kid.”I know that children’s dental health is one area that most families and parents today need to focus on. These days I am treating more and more younger patients having…