07 Sep
Restore Missing Teeth with London Dental Implants

Dental implants are among the most successful procedures used to replace missing teeth. Studies have shown a greater than 90% five-year success rate. Even though there are a number of other restorative options available for the treatment of missing teeth, dental implants in London have proven to be functionally effective…

29 Aug
Regular Oral Hygiene keeps the dentist away in London

London’s many dentists keep telling their patients that all it takes to reduce visits to them is regular oral hygiene. Yes it is as simple as that! Most dental problems like tooth decay and gum diseases start from plaque and bacteria buildup that starts due to irregular cleaning of your…

29 Aug
Laser and Dentistry in London

The world of dentistry has now reached a milestone with the introduction of laser treatments. These treatments have been found to benefit patients through its precision and power to lessen the pain associated with these procedures. Based on research, the need for sutures dropped because of laser treatments. It also…

29 Aug
Root canal treatment by London dentists

hen the internal structure of a tooth is damaged one can go in for root canal treatment. It treats the damaged tooth and restores it to a state of normalcy. The early symptom of a damaged tooth is sensitivity to hot or cold food and slight pain while chewing. A…

20 Jul
Treating Tooth Decay In London

 Everyone is prone to suffer from tooth decay. However, it can be prevented/controlled by proper dental hygiene and a wholesome diet. Dental caries or tooth decay refers to a gradual deterioration in the state of a person’s oral health, which is brought about due to the tooth enamel giving away….

28 Jun
London researchers question the use of fluoride in water?

Now, this got me really reeling! It’s been a long established fact by the dental profession that fluoride and fluoridated products are really good for teeth. According to the old school of research, fluoride was readily absorbed by the outer surface of teeth called as enamel to make a really…