06 Jun
Get Your Dentures in the City of London

If you need full mouth dentures, or a bridge, you will find that a City of London dentist can meet all of your needs. This includes repairing old dentures, as well as fitting you for new ones. Aside from this, your dentist will also be able to help you if…

24 May
Obtain Dental Bridges at Your London Dentist

If you are missing two or three adjacent teeth, you may feel that it is better to get a dental bridge as opposed to implants. Today, your London dentist can make these bridges, as well as ensure that they are as comfortable and attractive as possible. In most cases, you…

13 Mar
Dental Bridge in City of London: The Way to a Perfect Smile

Having a gap in your teeth could make anyone conscious of their smiles. Aside from the aesthetic aspect, missing teeth could actually result to bite problems such as malocclusion and TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorder). One of the favorite solutions used by City of London dentists is dental bridge. These dental…

01 Feb
Dental Bridge in the City of London

City of London dentists use various types of dental bridges in order to replace teeth that are missing or that require extraction. Depending on the situation there are several types of bridges that can be made by your City of London dentist, which include traditional bridges, canti-lever bridges, and resin-retained…

08 Nov
Get a London Dental Bridge to Replace Missing Teeth

Dental bridges are offered in London to replace a missing tooth or teeth. There are varying kinds of dental bridges including; traditional, resin-retained, and cantilever bridges. These bridges will be explained to you when you visit the London Dental Clinic. Traditional and cantilever bridges require that the surrounding adjacent be…

20 Jul
Have your teeth imperfections corrected by dental bonding in London

Dental bonding is a procedure used for cosmetic enhancement and the repair of structural imperfections in the teeth. It is also known as composite or tooth bonding. It utilizes a composite resin consisting of glass and porcelain particles that are fused into a liquid plastic which is then matched according…