11 Oct
Missing tooth replaced with dental bridge by City of London dentist

A missing tooth can be a source of great embarrassment, it can inhibit the natural inclination to smile, which is one of the most important ways to communicate, and cause self-confidence issues. Furthermore, missing teeth can cause negative alterations in profile and facial tissue sagging, resulting in a sunken appearance,…

21 Sep
Teeth jewelry from London dentist brings sparkle to your smile

The kind of tooth jewelry previously only the preserve ultra glamorous rap and hip-hop stars is now more available to non-megarich celebrities. The desire to decorate teeth with a jewel or gold is becoming ever more popular. This kind of dental jewel can be attached to the teeth with little…

21 Sep
Gap from missing teeth filled with dental bridge by City of London dentist

Dental bridges are artificial teeth that are anchored onto existing teeth in order to restore the natural appearance of a full set. They can be used to fill one or more empty spaces in the tooth line. The artificial tooth is known as the pontic and fused between two crowns…

21 Sep
London dentist says you can't afford to let credit crunch hurt dental care

Everyone knows the old adage ‘Look after your teeth now and they’ll last you a lifetime’. Good standards of oral hygiene and regular dental check ups can prevent massive future expenditure on dental treatment. But in these times of economic worry many don’t see going to the dentist as a…

20 Sep
London dentist replaces lost tooth with dental bridge

Having one or more missing teeth can really affect your confidence to smile. More than that, it might be adversely affecting your bite (the way the top and bottom teeth sit together). In more extreme circumstances, it can cause speech impediments, increased risk of gum disease and tooth decay, and…

12 Jul
Why City of London Dentists prefer Dental Bridges

Dentistry is not all about preventing and curing dental problems. Cosmetic dentistry is a field of dentistry which involves various procedures in beautifying your teeth and smile. It includes teeth alignment and other related procedures. A missing tooth is all that it takes to tamper a beautiful smile. But it…