22 Sep
Dental hygienist fights tartar at London dentist

A visit to the dentist’s these days may also involve a visit to the dental hygienist, but what exactly does the hygienist do? The main role is to professionally clean the teeth for the patient. They do this by using techniques known as scaling and polishing. This is essentially removing…

20 Sep
Central London Dentist breaks the link between bleeding gums and heart disease

Bleeding gums caused by poor dental hygiene can end up causing heart disease according to health professionals. People who don’t brush their teeth correctly, or who don’t floss regularly enough, often suffer from bleeding gums. It is thought that this might provide an entry to the bloodstream for the hundreds…

30 Aug
London Dentistry Advances in Technology

Drilling is one of the biggest fears of any person. This causes the people to change or procrastinate their decision seeing a dentist. Well it is just a matter of years when new avenues will open and nobody will put off visiting their dentist. The name of this new technology…

20 Jul
Treating Tooth Decay In London

 Everyone is prone to suffer from tooth decay. However, it can be prevented/controlled by proper dental hygiene and a wholesome diet. Dental caries or tooth decay refers to a gradual deterioration in the state of a person’s oral health, which is brought about due to the tooth enamel giving away….

27 Apr
Dental Hygienists in London

Dental hygiene services in London, as in most parts of the world, are specialized services centred on promoting general or specific dental wellness. Along with checking patients up for symptoms and signs of oral diseases, dental hygiene services provide immediate services to affected patients as well as educate them on…