16 Nov
Lifelike Lumineer veneers from London dentist

For patients who have badly worn, discoloured or unevenly spaced teeth the very latest in veneer technology, Lumineers may be able to restore the cosmetic appearance of their teeth. Veneers are thin porcelain shells that are cemented over the top of existing teeth to enhance their cosmetic appearance. In the…

04 Nov
Transform your smile with porcelain veneers from City of London dentist

Porcelain veneers are custom made ceramic shells that replicate the appearance of teeth and fit over the surface of existing teeth that have sustained some kind of damage. Some of the most common injuries that require porcelain veneers are broken, chipped or cracked teeth, but veneers can also be used…

22 Sep
Lodon dentist makes smile sparkle by teeth whitening

Teeth whitening is the process of improving the colour of the teeth by removing stains and discolouration or by bleaching them to make them appear whiter. Most dentist practices will offer an in-surgery whitening procedure or take-home whitening kits with specially made trays. Both of these procedures use a peroxide…

10 May
Advantages of London Lumineers Over Traditional Porcelain Veneers

Do you have gaps on your teeth that have made you self-conscious all these years? Does the discoloration on your teeth ruining your self-esteem? Fret no more because London Lumineers can help you improve your smile and boost your sagging self-esteem. Made with a special type of porcelain veneer, Lumineers…

13 Apr
Help for Discoloured Teeth in City of London

Tooth discolouration can be caused by many different effects, from tooth injury to genetics. There are many different cosmetic procedures available at the City of London Dental Clinic. Your and the dentist will choose what the best cosmetic treatment option is best for your discoloured teeth. You may even have…

13 Mar
Transform Your Smile in City of London with Enlighten Teeth Whitening

One of the reasons for the popularity of teeth whitening products is that it results to dazzling and brilliant smiles. Shiny, white teeth have always been associated with good oral care and it is not surprising that a lot of people hope to have them. When it comes to the…