23 Mar
Take home teeth whitening from London dentist is safe and effective

In the last decade there has been a huge increase in the number of teeth whitening products available. Many of these have become available on an over-the-counter basis for easy and convenient treatment at home. The most effective of these home treatments try to copy the design of the in-surgery…

04 Mar
Eliminate discolouration with teeth whitening from City of London dentist

Teeth discolouration can be a problem for some people causing self-confidence issues and embarrassment but fortunately it is easily treated with modern and effective teeth whitening systems. Everybody suffers from discolouration as teeth naturally lose their colour during your lifetime but it affects some people more than others. Other people…

26 Feb
Remove stains from veneers with polishing from City of London dentist

Many patients have porcelain veneers fitted to cover the appearance of stained or discoloured teeth. Therefore it is very important that the veneers do not themselves stain or the treatment becomes slightly pointless. Porcelain veneers are naturally quite resistant to stains, as porcelain is quite a resilient substance. However, no…

18 Feb
Versatile dental bonding from central London dentist

Dental bonding is a cosmetic dentistry tool that is used to repair the appearance of damaged or discoloured teeth. It is widely used because of its affordability and versatility in restoring the cosmetic appearance of teeth. The bonding is made of a resin that can be mixed skilfully to closely…

15 Feb
London dentist transforms smile with cosmetic dentistry

A trip to the dentist used to mean that you had something wrong with your teeth that was causing pain or discomfort and needed to be sorted. It was purely a utilitarian practice that was a necessity. Over the last twenty years the role of the dentist has changed and…

31 Jan
Ashamed of your discoloured teeth? Try dental veneers from a Central London dentist

Patients with very badly discoloured teeth are very often ashamed of their condition, which can severely affect self-confidence and undermine self-esteem. It can cause a reluctance to smile or even be in social situations for fear of being noticed but there are several things you could do to improve their…