02 Aug
Imaginary Teeth Straightening in Central London

Braces eh? The very thought of them can sender shivers and fear down your spine and if you have to wear them, it can be a good couple of years of anguish ahead and if you are at school, playground ridicule as well. The thing is you are having your…

03 Jul
Invisible Braces from Your Central London Dentist Keep You Smiling All Day Long

The times of metal train tracks across your teeth are beginning to disappear. New technologies are constantly being developed that allow orthopaedic treatments to more quickly and effectively realign your teeth, they can now even do this without anyone know you are wearing braces. Invisible braces now available from your…

27 Apr
Have You Heard about Invisalign Braces in London?

Invisalign is an orthodontic solution for people of all ages. London-based dentists provide Invisalign as an option for Londoners and visitors seeking discreet, comfortable and effective teeth-straightening treatment. People with skewed, crooked and misaligned teeth often lack confidence when smiling. Misaligned teeth or “malocclusion” also affects oral function, such as…

20 Apr
Your Teeth Straightening Needs are Answered in the City of London

Dentists in the City of London provide teeth straightening solutions so that patients enjoy improved oral health, natural beauty and peace of mind. People with irregular teeth positioning and shape often feel self-conscious about how they look, particularly when smiling. The thought of wearing traditional metal braces to correct teeth…

02 Feb
Looking for Invisible Braces in the City of London

If you’re looking for an alternative to braces that doesn’t cause you the inconvenience and embarrassment of traditional braces, your answer is here – invisible braces. Invisible braces offer the same results as traditional braces, but without any unsightly consequences. With invisible braces, life goes on as normal – you…

01 Aug
City of London dentist talks about the Invisalign brace and its advantages

The Invisalign aligner is a brace by any other name, and it works like a conventional brace says a City of London dentist. The innovation is that it works in a modern way, and one of its really best advantages is that it can be removed at any time and…