29 Jan
The Erosion Of Your Teeth In London

Your teeth go through an awful lot during your life in London: they are under constant threat from bacteria everyday which is why it’s essential that you try to keep them as clean as you can. The biggest threat comes from erosion that will affect the thickness of the enamel…

25 Jan
Up Close And Personal With Your Toothpaste In London

If you go out to buy yourself some toothpaste in London, you’ll notice that there is an amazing range of options on offer. Now, it is not something that you should get confused about, rather than sitting down and looking at your lifestyle and finding one to matches your needs….

22 Jan
The Range Of Dental Treatments On Offer In London

It is always useful to know about the range of dental treatments available to you and what they involve so that you know how to make informed decisions for yourself in the future. Dental treatments evolve all the time, new ones come along too and so, to get what’s best,…

18 Jan
London And Eternal Youth: The Dental Vaneer

It’s a pretty safe bet that in a demanding place like London, the key to getting on and maintaining your lifestyle can come down to retaining that fresh, youthful look. That means hair, clothing health and most importantly, looking after your smile. Your teeth are an essential ingredient in your…

16 Jan
The Flavour Of Fluoride In London

 If you didn’t know it already, fluoride plays a major part in the way we go about our daily lives in London. All of the water supplies in the city contain it, so we consume it every time we drink mainstream water. It is also used in most brands of…

11 Jan
You're Children And their Teeth in London

London dentists are a fabulous bunch of people: they are there to cope with all your problems and ensure that your teeth and gums are as healthy as they can be all of your life. But for this to happen, it’s when you are a child and going through all…