24 Jan
Sleep Apnea and Heart Failure in Central London

If you happen to live alone in central London, it’s very difficult to know if you have any problems when you sleep, such as teeth grinding or snoring. You may also be unaware that you suffer from sleep apnea too. Apnea is the term associated with erratic breathing or pauses…

24 Nov
Coping with sleep apnoea in London

There is a very good chance that nearly all of us in London could go through life without even knowing that we suffer from sleep apnea, if we lived alone. It’s usually noticed by a long suffering partner. Apnea is a term used for abnormal pauses in breathing, or low…

25 Sep
London dentist helps you sleep with apnea treatment

You may have heard the term sleep apnea in recent years as more and more is learnt about the condition. But you may not be aware of all the details of this potentially very dangerous condition. While it must be stressed that in most cases the patient will suffer no…

13 Aug
Treat dangerous sleep apnea at London dentist

Everybody knows somebody who snores and have been kept up at night by the noise. While snoring is an inconvenience (sometimes a rather serious one depending on who is doing the snoring) it is rarely more than this and even more rarely does it pose any kind of health problem….

24 Jun
Learn more about sleep apnea at London dentist

Sleep apnea is a condition often confused with snoring that causes you to make loud noises during sleep. Whereas snoring is the sound of breathing during sleep, apnea is the sound emitted when breathing is interrupted and actually stops. This can be very dangerous and has links to several health…

24 Apr
London dentist breaks link between sleep apnea and heart failure

Sleep apnea is a condition that causes patients’ breathing to be interrupted many times during the night on several nights of the week. It has also been found to thicken blood vessels and increase the risk of many forms of cardiovascular disease. It can be particularly dangerous in patients who…