Tag: sleep apnea
Nasty Central Apnea hits Central London
If you have ever suffered from any form of damage to your nervous system, or are on any heavy medication, it can really affect the way you sleep at nights in central London. Your heart and your lungs rely on a good and healthy body, but if any of this…
READ ARTICLEThe enemy after dark- London’s Sleep Apnea
There are a lot of things going on in our London bodies that are taken for granted; the way we think, the way we breathe and the way our hearts keep ticking along, and we assume nothing about how all of this works- we just expect it to happen. But…
READ ARTICLEAvoiding an early grave from Sleep Apnea in London
It is a very weird thing to contemplate- dying in your sleep, although there are worst ways to go in London. However, you’d rather try to prolong your life as much as possible, but there are things that can creep up and be the death of you without you knowing…
READ ARTICLECauses of death unknown: Sleep Apnea in London
When you sleep at night in London, you are at the mercy of your brain to keep your body going until you wake again. Your brain will send signals to your lungs to take in air regularly so that the heart can tick over like clockwork and send oxygen through…
READ ARTICLEDeath by Sleep Apnea in London
One of the important ingredients to living a long life in London is to ensure that you have a healthy sleep pattern in order to rebuild your energy for the next day ahead and if you have a good diet, keep your nose clean and live stress free, then you…
READ ARTICLESleep apnea and heart failure: get the facts from London dentists
Sleep apnea is a potentially disruptive condition that affects the sufferer’s ability to sleep. It can have a significant impact on the patient’s life and ought to be taken seriously. Thankfully your dentist can help diagnosing sleep apnea so you can begin to deal with the condition. If you are…