11 May
A London tooth bank

I’ve heard of London blood banks, money banks, and even old clothes banks but this is the first I’ve heard of tooth banks? And why would any one want to save old teeth? A Norwegian company is now requesting about 100, 000 teeth from children in Norway for their tooth…

11 May
The basics of a root canal in London

Does getting a root canal sound really painful to you? Do you think you really need it? Why do you need it? Let’s take a look at a few commonly asked questions on root canals. What is a root canal and do I really need one? Each tooth contains a…

11 May
Hand signals for your London dentist

Are you scared of your dentist? Wondering what on earth he is doing in your mouth? Is that funny vibration supposed to be there? What is that weird clove oil stink? Is this going to hurt? All these thoughts and more run through your mind while the dentist has his…

11 May
Taking care of teeth the London way

Although the arena on which dentists work on is really small, they do use a whole new variety of expensive and useful materials to make patients comfortable. A few recent innovations to hit the London market include,1. Numbing gel which is really effective in numbing the superficial tissue before any…

11 May
London treatment for dental emergencies

Have you developed a sudden, “ooh, ah ouch”? It can happen to any one, at a wedding, during your honeymoon, at picnics or late at night! Imagine a sore throbbing ball of pain vibrating your teeth and your head with no recourse for relief! It’s too late to find a…

11 May
Scared of your London dentist

Well you aren’t the only one! There are many people who are scared to death of the dentist but don’t really admit to it! There can be many reasons for being afraid of the dentist but you can’t really avoid treating yourself for ever can you. Today let’s talk about…