07 Feb
Improve Your Life in London- Treat your Bad Breath

Having bad breath in London is a very delicate matter. Friends, if you still have any, can be put in a very difficult situation and will be wary to point it out, and it can make you very socially unacceptable to others. If you are aware that you have a…

06 Feb
The Benefits of a Dental Implant as a Restorative Procedure in London

As we grow older in London, there is a greater chance that we may lose one or two teeth due to various reasons- the main one being gum disease and tooth decay. This can cause problems with the other teeth that remain, and as well as affecting your speech and…

04 Feb
Gum Disease and Halitosis in the City of London

If you suffer from halitosis in the city of London, there’s a good chance that you may be suffering from gum disease as well, for the causes of both these problems are very similar. Poor oral hygiene is the main offender- if foods are not removed from the mouth, pungent…

03 Feb
A Dental Emergency in the City of London

A dental emergency, like any emergency, needs to be addressed immediately, but it is also important not to overreact to a problem that may arise in the mouth. Dental emergencies come in many shapes and sizes, so it’s important to educate yourself with an understanding of the nature of the…

02 Feb
A London Guide to Stopping Heart Disease through Oral Hygiene

If you suffer from any form of periodontitis in London, you are not only running the risk of expensive treatments to correct the problem, but you are tripling the risk of having a heart attack or stroke. Gum disease can lead to infection of the blood which can lead to…

01 Feb
Why Floss in the City of London

It’s considered by most dentists in the city of London that flossing is an integral must in oral hygiene. Foods can get lodged in tight areas between the gums and teeth, and if not removed, can lead to plaque and tartar building up- this process can start within an hour…