17 Mar
Herbal remedies and gum disease: get the experts’ opinion from London dentists

Gum disease is something that ought to be taken seriously given that as much as seventy five per cent of the adult population of Britain is suffering from it in some form at any given time. Gum disease is actually a greater cause of tooth loss than tooth decay itself…

16 Mar
Central London dentists warn that dental problems can affect patients’ general health

Keeping your mouth healthy is not just about ensuring that you are able to eat, drink and talk in comfort. These matters are, of course, important but you might be surprised to find out that good oral hygiene can help you in your general health. Sadly too, having poor oral…

15 Mar
What are the facts about fluoride? Central London dentists give expert advice

Fluoride is a chemical that is extensively used in dentistry because of its capacity to strengthen your teeth. Like lots of things, however, it is not without controversy and many people are anxious to know the facts about fluoride. You will be likely to come across fluoride in two particular…

13 Mar
Don’t be ashamed of your teeth, get dental veneers from City of London dentists

In today’s image conscious world, having a smile that you can be proud of is very important to allow you to put people at ease. Think about those business meetings or parties when giving people a friendly smile can put the situation so much at ease and get you off…

12 Mar
Central London dentists help patients overcome their dental phobia

We all know how important it is to go and see your dentist every six months, so that your mouth is thoroughly checked over by a trained professional. Allowing this to happen ensures that any potentially nasty conditions which might develop in your mouth can be diagnosed and dealt with…

11 Mar
Dental implants: an effective solution for tooth loss, say City of London dentists

Losing a tooth can be a traumatic experience, whether it occurred as the result of a one off accident, tooth decay or gum disease. But it is vital that you have it replaced, so that your mouth can function again as it is meant to; your mouth working properly is…