08 Jul
London dentists help their patients to choose which tooth brush to use

To make sure that your dental health is the best that it can possibly be it is important to use the correct equipment. But this is not necessarily an easy thing to achieve, what with the huge variety of choices that is available. Any trip to a supermarket or pharmacy…

07 Jul
What are the facts about using fluoride? Ask dentists in City of London for the answers

There are few health issues that are without controversy of one kind or another as studies and counter studies dispute the findings of each other. It can thus be difficult to decide what lifestyle choices to make in order to ensure that you are living with excellent health at all…

06 Jul
Dentists in Central London fit mouth guards for patients worried about losing teeth

There really is no need to put your precious teeth at risk of being lost. You only get one set of health teeth and once they are gone, you will have to replace them with something artificial. Some of these methods are extremely effective, such as dental implants and dental…

05 Jul
Dental patients in London ask their dentists about the benefits of chewing gum

Chewing gum has not always had the best reputation. Several generations saw it as, at best, slovenly and at worse, downright rebellious. It might come as a surprise to note that dental professionals are actually recommending that some of their patients chew chewing gum because of the benefits that it…

04 Jul
Gum disease beaten with the expert help from dentists in City of London

It is teeth that tend to grab most of the headlines when it comes to dentistry. But this is changing as the public realise that they need to take just as much care over their gums as their teeth. This recognition is timely as gum disease is a real problem…

03 Jul
Central London dentists and dentures: how they can work for you and your needs

It might seem like an obvious thing to say but missing all of your teeth can have a major impact on your ability to do a number of things that you take for granted in your every day life. Losing your teeth is something that, thankfully, most people will never…