17 Jan
Those Dastardly Dental Phobia's In The City Of London

Having a phobia about something is one thing to have: if you have a phobia about snakes for example, then you avoid snakes. But if you have a phobia about something you need regularly in your life, then it can cause big problems: dental phobia is a real issue for…

16 Jan
The Flavour Of Fluoride In London

 If you didn’t know it already, fluoride plays a major part in the way we go about our daily lives in London. All of the water supplies in the city contain it, so we consume it every time we drink mainstream water. It is also used in most brands of…

15 Jan
Picking A Good One: Dentists In Central London

If you have recently moved to central London or recently started a family, you’ll need to evaluate the dentist you use. If you are single, finding a dentist can be a bit of a lottery, but with a few rules in hand, you can get through this a lot easier…

14 Jan
Ridding Yourself Of Bad Teeth In Central London

You’d think that having bad teeth would have been resigned to history, especially with the amount of fine products on the market and the great abilities that dentists have to try out their latest gadgets to look after your teeth. Of course, life in a hectic place like central London…

12 Jan
The Hidden Danger of Bruxism In The City of London

Most conditions and problems that arise in the mouth are quite obvious and can be put right straight away, but it’s the ones that are not quite so immediately obvious that can do the most damage without you even knowing at first, bruxism being one of them. It’s the term…

11 Jan
You're Children And their Teeth in London

London dentists are a fabulous bunch of people: they are there to cope with all your problems and ensure that your teeth and gums are as healthy as they can be all of your life. But for this to happen, it’s when you are a child and going through all…