08 Jun
You, your Kids and their Oral Health in London

There should be no doubt at all when it comes to loving your kids in London, and from the day they are born, you will care and nurture them and ensure they are brought up healthy. This is also the same for their oral health, but with this comes a…

07 Jun
Do Veneers discolour in the City of London?

If you have had veneers fitted, the reason would have been to hide away your ailing and discoloured teeth and replace them with beautiful white porcelain ones. Now although they are extremely durable and very resistant to staining, they are not indestructible and if you are adamant on smoking, drinking…

06 Jun
Getting ready for Multiple Dental Implants in London

If you have lost a lot of teeth of late in London, you will want to get them replaced and one of the ways to opt for is the dental implant. These are very robust and will be in your mouth forever, helping out with dentures, bridges and crowns. Denture…

05 Jun
Braces and oral hygiene in London

If isn’t bad enough that you have been fitted with braces and that they can look rather unsightly, for serious orthodontic treatments, you may well require a complex fixed brace with inter-woven wiring that could well be in your mouth for a very long time. Now such a brace as…

04 Jun
Decay and the Bottle in Babies in Central London

Parenting is the easiest things to do in the world, in fact, it is fraught with anxiety and challenges which you must tackle if your child is to grow up and lead a healthy life in central London: this is especially true when your child is a baby and most…

03 Jun
Overcoming an Abscessed Tooth in the City of London

When you are caught cold and dental emergency crops up, it is not easy to know what to do once you have got over the initial shock and one of the most painful and dangerous emergencies of all, that can strike in the city of London is when a tooth…