28 Feb
Xerostomia can cause dental cavities in Central London

If you take medication, or have had some form of radio therapy in central London of late, there is a good chance that you may suffer from some form of xerostomia or dry mouth. One of the biggest side effects of this problem is the loss of saliva to the…

09 Dec
Prevent dental decay with a visit to your Central London dentist

Your teeth have natural defences to stop them from decaying. The hard substance known as enamel which coats all of your teeth protects them from harm but if plaque is left to build up without being removed then acids in certain of the foods you consume can attack your teeth….

22 Nov
Choosing a porcelain crown in London

Over time, our teeth can take quick a battering causing cracks, wear and decay and if unchecked, can lead to more serious problems. It can also affect the aesthetics of the overall look of the mouth and the smile. According to most dentists in London, this is the time that…

14 Nov
A London dentist explains porcelain veneers

London moves at a very fast pace and offers a lot of temptation, most of which ends up in the mouth, fast food, fags and booze. Combine that with the passing of time, teeth can become suceptible to staining, damage, wear and decay. Gaps can appear, gums recede and with…

21 Oct
Learn more about toothpaste at Central London dentist

Toothpaste is the soft substance that is applied to toothbrushes to aid with the cleaning of teeth. It is very effective at removing plaque and bacteria from the surfaces of the teeth and often contains fluoride, which helps to protect the teeth against gum disease and tooth decay. It is…

12 Oct
Beat dental phobia with help of City of London dentist

Many people who suffer from dental phobia can see no way or time when they will be able to overcome their fear. A phobia is a severe form of fear characterised by an urgent desire to avoid the thing that causes the anxiety. Phobias can be very debilitating and frightening…