Tag: Dental Decay
Is your diet as healthy as you think? Tooth-troubling foods to be wary of
If you’re on a health drive, the chances are that you’ve read articles and blogs about healthy eating before. The worry is that there’s so much information out there, and much of it is conflicting. Diets may be good for weight loss, but are they actually good for your health?…
READ ARTICLECentral London Takes A Stand On Tooth Decay
If you are suffering from tooth decay, there is a good chance that you have not been looking after your teeth enough in central London. The whole idea of brushing your teeth, flossing and using a mouthwash after you eat is to keep bacteria off the surfaces of your teeth…
READ ARTICLECity of London dentist warn patients of the dangers associated with untreated abscessed teeth
Abscesses in teeth can occur for a number of reasons. Most commonly teeth become abscessed because of an infection that has penetrated the root of the tooth because of advanced dental decay. Other causes include sever gum disease or the aftermath of a one off trauma that has affected the…
READ ARTICLELondon dentists tell patients that they must get abscessed teeth treated quickly
It is common sense to report persistent dental pain to your London dentist. It might well be nothing serious at all but it could be that you have developed an abscess in your mouth. This is a potentially grave situation and one that needs to be treated so that the…
READ ARTICLELondon dentists help patients with their flossing technique
The fact that there are such high rates of gum disease in the United Kingdom provides a worrying piece of evidence that just not enough people are flossing their teeth, or if they are, they are not doing it well enough. If you have not flossed before then it might…
READ ARTICLEWhen to go and see your City of London dentist to get your mouth checked and cleaned
Even with the best of care at home, it is still very much worth your while to go and see your City of London dentist on a regular basis. Only so much can be achieved by the rigorous routine of brushing and flossing that you should be pursuing. Going to…