04 May
Central London dentists carry out emergency tooth extractions safely and effectively

If you are suffering from severe and prolonged dental pain then it is possible that you might need to have a tooth extracted by your dentist. This might be the result of an accident which affected your mouth and so damaged a tooth that is has lost functionality and your…

01 May
London dentists help patients with their painful wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to develop in adults. They tend to come through when patients are in their late teenage years or in their early twenties but sometimes it occur earlier or later as everybody is different. They are large teeth, the purpose of which is to grind…

05 Apr
Get your abscessed tooth treated quickly by City of London dentists

We all have aches and pains; they’re part of life really. Sometimes it can be difficult to know which ones to take seriously and which ones just to dismiss as part of the daily stresses and strains we put on our bodies. Nobody wants to be a hypochondriac but some…

25 Feb
Wisdom teeth pain in the City of London

When your wisdom teeth start to develop and break through into the mouth, it can be a very painful time indeed, (bare that in mind when you have children). In some cases, the teeth will not show themselves at all, choosing to grow in all manner of directions under the…

11 Feb
Fighting Abscess, Tooth Pain in London

Being struck down with a tooth abscess in London is no laughing matter, nor is it to be ignored either. When an abscess erupts in the mouth, immediate treatment should be sort; apart from the excruciating pain that it can cause, it can quickly infect the bloodstream with toxins and…

03 Feb
A Dental Emergency in the City of London

A dental emergency, like any emergency, needs to be addressed immediately, but it is also important not to overreact to a problem that may arise in the mouth. Dental emergencies come in many shapes and sizes, so it’s important to educate yourself with an understanding of the nature of the…