12 Apr
Call it what You want-Root Canal Treatment in London is an Important Treatment

Inner tooth pulp infection spreads to the tooth root tissue. Root canal treatment aims to eliminate infection from dental pulp and tooth roots for the preservation of existing teeth. Untreated infection spreads from one tooth to another through root canals and eventually circulates the infection throughout the body. Dentists in…

09 Apr
What is Gum Disease and How does it Affect People in London?

Although gum disease may be referred to as “gingivitis” – inflammation of the gum tissue – there are different types of gum diseases, such as Periodontal Disease, Caries and Mouth Cancer. Gingivitis is usually the start of gum disease, leading to periodontal ligament damage, so that teeth become loose and…

06 Apr
The Causes and Treatment of Tooth Pain in the City of London

Experiencing tooth pain or toothache in the City of London is unpleasant but treatable, to help prevent further discomfort and pain. Emergency dentists are available in the City of London to provide dental care at short-notice. If you are living in the City of London or visiting, you do not…

07 Mar
Root Canal Surgery in the City of London

Root canals are a routine procedure for many dentists in the City of London. They are one of the two types of treatment that are available for individuals suffering from an abscessed tooth, a painful and aggressive condition. A root canal is surgery that focuses on the infection at the…

01 Mar
London Dentist Outlines the Symptoms of an Abscessed Tooth

What causes tooth abscesses? A tooth trauma can trigger the formation of an abscess. Tooth traumas include blows to the jaw, loosened teeth, chipped and broken teeth. Tooth decay can also be named as a leading cause of abscesses as severe tooth decay can actually lead to the infection at…

27 Feb
Are You Looking for Root Canal Treatment in the City of London?

The root canal of your tooth is the part of the tooth which extends into the bone of the jaw, rooting the tooth into place. It isn’t visible from inside the mouth, and includes the dental pulp in the center of your tooth. One tooth may have more than one…