16 Oct
Going with Root Canal Treatment in Central London

If you have been found wanting when it comes to your oral hygiene, the chances are you’ll be running the gauntlet of tooth decay and if it gets really bad, it will break through the surface of the tooth and infect everything inside and the tooth will cause you a…

21 Aug
Getting a Root Canal in Central London

Root canal treatment has always been a touchy subject to talk about for some people in central London and that’s because it’s a generational thing. When this treatment leaped onto the scene, it was a marvellous leap forward in the treatment of tooth decay. But with any idea, you need…

25 Jul
Central London Dentist Offers Root Canal Treatment for Tooth Abscess

All it takes is a simple examination for your Central London dentist to diagnose tooth abscess. If caught early, treatment for tooth abscess will be less time and money consuming. It will also be less painful for you, the patient. Your dentist may ask you to get x-rays in order…

21 Jul
Find out about Root Canal Treatment from Central London Dentist Before it’s too Late.

Root canal treatment is also referred to as endodontic retreatment. Root canal treatment is a beneficial dental procedure performed by your dentist in Central London that is used for the treatment of infection caused by bacteria in the root canal system of your tooth. Root canal treatment is a common…

26 Apr
Sensitive Teeth are Causing Problems in the City of London

Tooth sensitivity may cause individuals to flinch with discomfort when breathing in cold or hot air or consuming foods and drinks of fluctuating temperatures. Acidic and sweet foods may have the same effect. If you are living in, or visiting the City of London and are experiencing tooth sensitivity, it…

18 Apr
Decaying Teeth in Central London are a Sign that Something is Wrong

Tooth decay starts when debris builds up in the mouth causing excess bacterial growth and acid-release, eroding outer enamel and dentin teeth layers. Foods high in acid and sugar have the same effect, as do certain medical treatments. Tooth decay can cause a number of disease including gum inflammation and…