24 Jan
Sleep Apnea and Heart Failure in Central London

If you happen to live alone in central London, it’s very difficult to know if you have any problems when you sleep, such as teeth grinding or snoring. You may also be unaware that you suffer from sleep apnea too. Apnea is the term associated with erratic breathing or pauses…

10 Jan
Stop Grinding Teeth In Your Sleep in the City of London

In the City of London, it’s a pretty good bet that you might not know if you suffer from grinding your teeth in your sleep, but the problem can become very serious if untreated. More commonly known as Bruxism, teeth grinding can be caused by a number of things. Stress…

22 Dec
Get effective protection for your teeth with mouth guards from Central London dentists

Your teeth can be put at risk by a number of activities which you might do regularly. During physical sports such as rugby, boxing, lacrosse and American football, your teeth can be exposed to damage and with the possibility of suffering from a nasty fall in cycling and gymnastics, you…

05 Oct
Prevent painful bruxism with device from City of London dentist

Bruxism is the medical name for teeth grinding that can, if not adequately prevented, damage the teeth and lead to serious long-term problems. Continual teeth grinding will cause problems such as enamel erosion, structural damage and jaw complaints. Teeth grinding can happen either during waking hours but is more of…

03 May
How to stop grinding your teeth in your sleep; by a Central London dentist

Teeth Grinding is such a medical concern they even have a special term for it; Bruxism. It usually starts in childhood when a child gets their two top and bottom teeth, at around the age of 10 months says a Central London dentist. It isn’t harmful at that age and…

24 Apr
Prevent teeth grinding during sleep at City of London dentist

Do your jaw muscles ache in the morning? Do your teeth show signs of premature wear or hurt when you eat first thing? If so, then you may be one of the one in ten people who suffer from teeth grinding during sleep. This condition is known as bruxism and…