24 May
Illuminating Lumineers in London

There is nothing sexier than a glorious smile and if you’re going to get one and need one, ‘go get them’ London is the place to smile if you want to get ahead of the competition. Most people would say that up until the age of thirty something, their teeth…

24 Jan
Avoiding the Shame with Veneers in the City of London

Shameless Veneers in the City of London You know, you should really try to keep in with your dentist in the city of London, especially as you get older and your teeth start to get a little jaded, for by doing so, you may be able to fill up the…

08 Sep
Dentists in central London tell patients that veneers can also be used on crooked teeth

Dental veneers are probably most famous for covering up teeth which are chipped or stained. They can easily fit on the surface of teeth and conceal any unsightly aspects, leaving the wearer with a beautiful smile. But they can also be used on crooked teeth as well. If you are…

03 Apr
Incredible new Cerec technology at City of London dentists

More and more dentists in the UK starting to use Cerec technology for improved dental restoration and repair work. Cerec, also known as chair-side restoration, is a revolutionary new dental technology that allows dentists to design, manufacture and fix dental crowns, veneers and inlays in a single visit. It works…

18 Feb
Versatile dental bonding from central London dentist

Dental bonding is a cosmetic dentistry tool that is used to repair the appearance of damaged or discoloured teeth. It is widely used because of its affordability and versatility in restoring the cosmetic appearance of teeth. The bonding is made of a resin that can be mixed skilfully to closely…

02 Jan
Six week straightening with Inman aligner from Central London dentist

The Inman aligner is a revolutionary orthodontic straightening device that has the incredible advantage of being able to straighten teeth in only six to sixteen weeks. Considering that some conventional braces can take up to two years of treatment to gain results, this really is a leap forward in straightening…